if (typeof Nexevo == 'undefined') { Nexevo = {}; Nexevo.Text = { strings: {}, get: function (key) { return this.strings[key]; }, add: function (object) { for (var key in object) { this.strings[key] = object[key]; } return this; } }; } (function () { Nexevo.Text.add( { "JCANCEL": 'Cancelar', "COM_NEXEVOCONTACT_BROWSE_FILES": 'Choose files', "COM_NEXEVOCONTACT_FAILED": 'Failed', "COM_NEXEVOCONTACT_SUCCESS": 'Success', "COM_NEXEVOCONTACT_NO_RESULTS_MATCH": 'No results match', "COM_NEXEVOCONTACT_REMOVE_ALT": 'Remove', "COM_NEXEVOCONTACT_REMOVE_TITLE": 'Remove this file' } ); })(); jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { jQuery('.nexevo_select').chosen( { disable_search_threshold: 10, allow_single_deselect: true, no_results_text: 'No results match' }); }); // Called by the Reset button function ResetNexevoControls() { // Reset each dropdown to its first value jQuery('select.nexevo_select').each( function (index, value) { // Search for the first option, select it and force a refresh jQuery(value).find('option:first-child').prop('selected', true).end().trigger('liszt:updated'); }); }